And there she lullèd me asleep, And there I dreamed—Ah! woe betide!— The latest dream I ever dreamt On the cold hill side...
Lost Boys who became vessels for the Digital Animus. These are the Trolls and instigators who attract mass amounts of male attention through taking on a wild persona.
The Digital Animus is the Bull monster at the center of the Labyrinthine circuitry of the Internet. Devouring virgins who get lost in the endless corridors.
The attractive form of the Satyr, like Sirens, they feed on libido from young women and prevent maturation.
“Lizzie, Lizzie, have you tasted
For my sake the fruit forbidden?
Must your light like mine be hidden,
Your young life like mine be wasted,
Undone in mine undoing,
And ruin’d in my ruin,
Thirsty, canker’d, goblin-ridden?”
-Goblin Market, Christina Rossetti
Lost Boys who became vessels for the Digital Animus. These are the Trolls and instigators who attract mass amounts of male attention through taking on a wild persona.
Lost Girls who became vessels for the Digital Anima. These are the E-Girls and porn stars who attract mass amounts of male attention through their taking on a sexual persona.